Lady Justice and a Gavel

Cariati law

Your most trusted legal firm in Toronto

Pay per Click Campaign for CariatiLaw

Nicole Probha

Campaign Strategy


Campaign Strategy

Campaign strategy is providing free consultation , the lawyers are ready to be at the clients doorstep and they will promise to serve their client rightly without charging them lump sum amount right away


Main Objective / Goal

The main objective of Google Ads Campaigns is to increase the number of clicks and impressions , we want people to engage with Cariatilaw more and more but that would mean to invest more in the ad plan and eventually receive more revenue for all the work

Call to Action


Conversion Action(s)


Following a brand new campaign I would want an instructional page and drop down menus which makes it make user friendly and user efficient page leading to considerable improvement in the engagement created on the page than before.

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Ad Groups

  • I will create 2 ad groups each with a distinct theme/topic. Each ad group requires 7 tightly related keywords.
  • Show your keyword research with search volume (Canada but areas within as applicable), competition and estimated CPC.
  • Show the match types to be used and explain your reasoning. Identify negative keywords for each ad group
Law Books in the Library

Ad Group 1

Google ads

There were no matching negative words and not even reviews which could be included in the category


The first ad variation speaks on free case evaluation provided by cariatilaw

Which is a very catchy advertisement and would lead to instant engagement and clicks for the people in need as soon as they been through any kind of injustice, injury ,accidents etc. Cariatilaw will be there to resolve their client’s issues

The second ad variation is about the best lawyers people would prefer through and research if their case is very serious and they want to know more about the best paralegals and other various kinds of lawyers they will would like to see this page .

Landing page

The Landing Page will speak on the best services provided by the CariatiLaw Firm Ranging from Immigration , Personal Injury to wrongful termination and Divorce . These are according to the recent trends the most popular cases In North America, The page drops down to the most essential fill in form of the free case evaluation which is very catchy and will receive instant click . The mock up page is very crisp explaination of what CariatiLaw is about .

To be Continued ..

Wix Link

Forecasting and ROAS

The Tables illustrates upon impressions via different devices






Mobile Phones




Depicts the Average CPC

Depicts the CTR and the cost via computers

Analyzing Clicks, Impressions, and Cost for Cariati Law's Campaign Across Canadian Provinces

Return On Advertising Spend


The ROAS formula is:

ROAS = (Revenue from advertising / Cost of advertising) * 100

So according to the keyword planner if I sign up for their advertising plan wherein I have to pay 930 dollars then my ad revenue target should be $7,440 which is my Futuristic Roas target